This is a trivia blog for trivia lovers. Trivia quizzes will (hopefully) be posted on a weekly basis, depending on popularity. Each quiz will have four categories which will vary each time. Each category will have one to two questions. Questions will be structured in such a way so that they will be very hard to look up on the Internet. Sorry cheaters! If you have suggestions for categories or questions, please email me at

Monday, June 26, 2006

Trivia Quiz Five

Welcome to The Trivia Exchange's fifth weekly quiz! This quiz will be open until Friday night at midnight. The winner (person with the most correct answers) wins one free song from iTunes! The winner will be announced next Saturday. Please participate by hitting the comments link below and commenting with your answers.

The Natural World

1) Which one of these animals does not hibernate?

A) Frog
B) Snake
C) Sloth
D) Mouse

2) Name the animal that has three hearts and blue blood.


1) The summit ridge of Mount Everest marks the border between which two Asian countries?

2) What is the capital of Switzerland?

The Human Body

1) What is the hardest substance in the human body?

2) True or False: Your hair and nails continue to grow after you die.


1) What happened at 1:00 pm on august 24th, 79 AD?

2) What US post did Henry Kissinger hold from 1974 to 1977?

Quiz Five Posted Tonight

My Internet connection was not working last night due to a storm.

The quiz will be posted tonight.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Quiz Four Results

Congratulations AGAIN to Craig for winning last week's quiz! He will receive a free song from iTunes!

SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: I will be vacationing with my family from the last week in July to the first week in August. We will be staying at a house with no dishwasher, no washer/dryer, and only one bathroom on the inside (the other bathroom is in the backyard). Needless to say I will not have Internet access. So it looks like there will be no quizzes those weeks. I'm toying with the idea of having a guest quizmaster. If the blog is really popular by that point, I may just have too.

Here are the answers to Quiz Four:


1) This week I was doing some gardening in my mother’s yard. I was planning on planting a tree that is tallest of all flowering evergreen plants, but decided against it cause it is poisonous to cats. What tree was I thinking of planting?


2) Which branch of botany is concerned with the study of trees and woody plants?


Disgusting (Cockroach) Facts

1) Humans can withstand 18 g’s of pressure. How many can a cockroach stand?


2) A cockroach can live without its head for several days. However, it will eventually die, but from what?



1) In 1931, what book was banned in China because humans and animals used the same language?

Alice in Wonderland.

2) Name the novel and author from which the following quote originated”
“The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful.”

The Picture of Dorian Grey.

U.S. History

1) Name the famous historical figure pictured below:

John Adams

2) Name 2 of the 3 authors of The Federalist Papers.

James Madison, John Jay, Alexander Hamilton

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Trivia Quiz Four

Welcome to The Trivia Exchange's fourth weekly quiz! This quiz will be open until Friday night at midnight. The winner (person with the most correct answers) wins one free song from iTunes! The winner will be announced next Saturday. Please participate by hitting the comments link below and commenting with your answers.

And now for the Quiz:


1) This week I was doing some gardening in my mother’s yard. I was planning on planting a tree that is tallest of all flowering evergreen plants, but decided against it cause it is poisonous to cats. What tree was I thinking of planting?

2) Which branch of botany is concerned with the study of trees and woody plants?

Disgusting (Cockroach) Facts

1) Humans can withstand 18 g’s of pressure. How many can a cockroach stand?

2) A cockroach can live without its head for several days. However, it will eventually die, but from what?


1) In 1931, what book was banned in China because humans and animals used the same language?

2) Name the novel and author from which the following quote originated”
“The only way to get rid of a temptation is to yield to it. Resist it, and your soul grows sick with longing for the things it has forbidden to itself, with desire for what its monstrous laws have made monstrous and unlawful.”

U.S. History

1) Name the famous historical figure pictured below:

2) Name 2 of the 3 authors of The Federalist Papers.

Please participate by hitting the comments link below and commenting with your answers. Answers cannot be accepted any other way. Please leave some sort of identifying information (first name, website, etc.) so I can contact you. Please also feel free to leave suggestions for future rounds. Thanks and good luck!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Apology Part 2

The next quiz will be posted later tonight. I apologize for its lateness. Saturday was my aunt's 50th birthday party, so I was away from my computer the whole day. That, in turn, set my posting schedule back a day.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Quiz Three Results

Congratulations to Invisible Lizard for winning last week's quiz! They will receive a free song from iTunes!

Here are the answers to Quiz Three:


1) What is the primary language of Luxembourg (two possible answers for this one)

Luxembourgian or Luxembourgish.

2) English is the fourth most commonly spoken language. What is the fifth?



1) As you might have read in my other blog, my cat had an eye infection this week. How many eyelids does a housecat have (per eye)?


2) True or False: Cats can smell through two different organs, the nose and an organ located in the bottom of the mouth.

False. The second organ is located at the TOP of the mouth.


1) You are walking through a field, and you find something to eat. It doesn't have bones, and it doesn't have meat. You pick it up and put it into your pocket. You take it home and put it on a shelf, but 3 days later it walks away. What is it?

An egg.

2) When Jerry, a lumberjack known for exaggeration, boasted (truthfully) of cutting down a 100 year old maple tree in ten seconds using only a small axe, his friend Mac had had enough. He challenged Jerry to prove his incredible claim. How had it been done?

It was a bonsai maple tree. Bonsai trees are very small, but they can live very long lives.


1) What movie is this screen cap from?

The 'burbs.

2) What movie is this screencap from?


A new quiz will be posted later tonight. Thanks for playing.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Trivia Quiz Three

Welcome to The Trivia Exchange's second weekly quiz! This quiz will be open until Friday night at midnight. The winner (person with the most correct answers) wins one free song from iTunes! The winner will be announced next Saturday.

And now for the Quiz:


1) What is the primary language of Luxembourg (two possible answers for this one)

2) English is the fourth most commonly spoken language. What is the fifth?


1) As you might have read in my other blog, my cat had an eye infection this week. How many eyelids does a housecat have (per eye)?

2) True or False: Cats can smell through two different organs, the nose and an organ located in the bottom of the mouth.


1) You are walking through a field, and you find something to eat. It doesn't have bones, and it doesn't have meat. You pick it up and put it into your pocket. You take it home and put it on a shelf, but 3 days later it walks away. What is it?

2) When Jerry, a lumberjack known for exaggeration, boasted (truthfully) of cutting down a 100 year old maple tree in ten seconds using only a small axe, his friend Mac had had enough. He challenged Jerry to prove his incredible claim. How had it been done?


1) What movie is this screen cap from? (Click for larger version)

2) What movie is this screencap from?

Please participate by hitting the comments link below and commenting with your answers. Answers cannot be accepted any other way. Please leave some sort of identifying information (first name, website, etc.) so I can contact you.Thanks and good luck!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Quiz Two Results

Congratulations AGAIN to Craig for winning last week's quiz! He will receive a free song from iTunes!

Here are the answers to Quiz Two:


1)What epoch are we currently in?


2)What is the mineral halite most commonly known as?

Rock Salt.

Famous Inventors

1)What common household product did Willis Haviland Carrier invent in 1902?

Air Conditioning.

2)The man who invented sun tan lotion was also the founder of what company?



1)What is the main country that uses the currency depicted in the following picture?


2)The other day I was watching a scene in a movie where a guy walked up to a bar and ordered a drink and paid for it in a currency called “chits.” What movie was I watching?


Food and Drink

1)Name the only food that can be sent through the mail with no packaging.


2)What fruit has the highest amount of calories?


A new quiz will be posted tomorrow. Thanks for playing.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Trivia Quiz Two

Welcome to The Trivia Exchange's second weekly quiz! This quiz will be open until Friday night at midnight. The winner (person with the most correct answers) wins one free song from iTunes! The winner will be announced next Saturday.

And now for the Quiz:


1) What epoch are we currently in?

2) What is the mineral halite most commonly known as?

Famous Inventors

1) What common household product did Willis Haviland Carrier invent in 1902?

2) The man who invented sun tan lotion was also the founder of what company?


1) What is the main country that uses the currency depicted in the following picture?

2) The other day I was watching a scene in a movie where a guy walked up to a bar and ordered a drink and paid for it in a currency called “chits.” What movie was I watching?

Food and Drink

1) Name the only food that can be sent through the mail with no packaging.

2) What fruit has the highest amount of calories?

Please participate by hitting the comments link below and commenting with your answers. Answers cannot be accepted any other way. Please leave some sort of identifying information (first name, website, etc.) so I can contact you.

Thanks and good luck!


This week's quiz will be a little late this week. My Internet connection was going in and out yesterday morning, and I spent the rest of the day out of the house.

I have this week's quiz drafted, but the file is on my laptop at home. It will be posted later tonight.

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Quiz One Results

Congratulations to Craig for winning last week's quiz! He will receive a free song from iTunes!

Here are the answers to Quiz One:


1) If I were to visit Prince Albert, Queen Victoria and Peter Pan, what location would I be in?

Prince Albert and Queen Victoria are memorials and Peter Pan is a statue. All are located in Kensington Gardens, London.

2) In the following picture, which country is highlighted in green?


U.S. Government

1) After the Speaker of the House, who is next in line for presidential succession?

President Pro Tempore of the U.S. Senate.

2) Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave Congress the right to collect an income tax?

The 16th.

The Human Body

1) Which fingernail grows the fastest?

The middle finger.

2) If I fell off my bike and broke the smallest bone in my body, what part of my body did I probably land on?

My ear.

Big Words

What’s the instrument used to measure blood pressure?


2) What celebration is the focus of an epithalamium?

A wedding.

A new quiz will be posted tomorrow. Thanks for playing.