This is a trivia blog for trivia lovers. Trivia quizzes will (hopefully) be posted on a weekly basis, depending on popularity. Each quiz will have four categories which will vary each time. Each category will have one to two questions. Questions will be structured in such a way so that they will be very hard to look up on the Internet. Sorry cheaters! If you have suggestions for categories or questions, please email me at

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Quiz Five Results

Congratulations AGAIN to Barbara for winning last week's quiz! She will receive a free song from iTunes!

Here are the answers to Quiz Five:
The Natural World

1) Which one of these animals does not hibernate?

C) Sloth

2) Name the animal that has three hearts and blue blood.



1) The summit ridge of Mount Everest marks the border between which two Asian countries?

China and Nepal

2) What is the capital of Switzerland?


The Human Body

1) What is the hardest substance in the human body?

Tooth enamel.

2) True or False: Your hair and nails continue to grow after you die.

False. Your tissue recedes, giving the hair and nails appearance of growing.


1) what happened at 1:00 pm on august 24th, 79 AD?

Mt. Vesuvius erupted.

2) What US post did Henry Kissinger hold from 1974 to 1977?

Secretary of State.

A new quiz will be posted tomorrow.


Blogger Craig said...

That was a good round. You had lots of people playing, I learned a couple new things: Mollusks have hemocyanin too. Sloths don't hibernate. (Irony, thou hast but three toes.) As always, this is great fun. Thanks for doing it.

11:20 AM


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