Trivia Quiz One
Welcome to the first official Trivia Exchange weekly quiz! The winner (person with the most correct answers) wins one free song from iTunes! The winner will be announced next Saturday.
And now for the Quiz:
1) If I were to visit Prince Albert, Queen Victoria and Peter Pan, what location would I be in? (I am looking for a place name and the city it is in)
2) In the following picture, which country is highlighted in green? (Click for larger version)
U.S. Government
1) After the Speaker of the House, who is next in line for presidential succession?
2) Which amendment to the U.S. Constitution gave Congress the right to collect an income tax?
The Human Body
1) Which fingernail grows the fastest?
2) If I fell off my bike and broke the smallest bone in my body, what specific part of my body did I probably land on?
Big Words
1) What’s the instrument used to measure blood pressure?
2) What celebration is the focus of an epithalamium?
Please participate by hitting the comments link below and commenting with your answers. Answers cannot be accepted any other way. Please leave some sort of identifying information (first name, website, etc) so I can contact you.
Thanks and good luck!